2025 Mine Contractors Exam

Application Instructions

Please provide all required information on each page of the application.

Please provide sufficient detail as work history to demonstrate that you are qualified for the exam and certification.

Applicant’s Requirements

The Applicant MUST have a minimum of 2 years work experience in the work that your Company performs to qualify for this certification.

Applicant’s Certification
Applications for the Mine Examiner, Mine Foreman, and Mine Contractor certifications must be completed and submitted for approval only by the applicant themself.

In lieu of notarization, the applicant must, by submitting the application, certify under penalty of perjury and subject to the provisions of W.S. § 6-5-303 and its penalties, that they have not knowingly submitted false and misleading information to the Wyoming State Mine Inspector on their application and that they meet the qualifications for certification in the type of mining that they are seeking certification in, as stated in W.S. § 30-2-309 of the Mines and Minerals Statutes of the State of Wyoming.

Mine Contractors Exam Application

(All fields are required)

Please enter your birthday and the last 4 digits of your Social Security Number

Birth Date
Last 4 Digits of SSN
(All fields are required)

Please provide your contact information and press continue

Please verify your information, accecpt the terms, then create a 4 digit Pin number


SSN Last 4

I hereby certify under penalty of perjury, and subject to the provisions of W.S. §6-5-303 and its penalties, that I will not knowingly submit false or misleading information to the Wyoming State Mine Inspector on this Mine Examiner & Contractors Certification Application, and certify that I meet the qualifications for certification in the type of mining applied for as stated in W.S. § 30-2-309 of the Mines and Minerals Statues of the State of Wyoming.

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